Monday, December 24, 2012

Data in Self Funded Health Care

The Health Exchanges of PPACA entails the creation of a massive centralized database with detailed health data on all Americans that corporate moguls will use to speculate on your health care.

I've been working on an alternative to insurance which I've tentatively called "The Medical Savings and Loan."

The MS&L is built from the ground up around Medical Savings Accounts. The mantra of the program is "Those who can self fund their care should." It uses a combination of savings accounts and loans to help people who can self fund their care do so.

It creates a well funded system of grants for people who cannot.

One interesting aspect of this design is that breaking up the large internal pools of the insurance industry results in a radical change in the processing of health care data.

Data follows the money. With insurance and socialism, our health care resource are placed in massive centralized pools. The money flows from these centralized pools to large care providers.

To handle this flow, insurance companies have created a massive bureaucracy with an internal focus on the pool.

Insurance naturally results in a large centralized database maintained by a bureaucracy focused on that pool.

The Medical Savings and Loan breaks up the centralized pools.

Your health spending would flow from your savings account to your doctor.

Just step back and imagine a system in which all of your health spending flowed from a savings account under your control to the care providers of your choice. Information from your doctor would flow back along the same channel.

In this structure, your medical savings account creates a de facto record of all your health spending.

By simply enhancing the Medical Savings Account with a document management system, one would end up creating an extremely robust distributed health information system.

For four years I've been on my knees begging for patriots to have a meeting about health freedom. The meeting will be about the very dry issue of health data.

Group health care (socialism and insurance) necessarily results in massive centralized database and large bureaucracies with a central focus on the resource pool.

A system built from the ground up around individual Medical Savings Accounts would result in a distributed information system with an external focus.

To emphasize this fact, the Medical Savings and Loan transitions all of the workers in the insurance industry into a new position called "The Health Care Advocate."

If you would like to learn more. I have a wonderful presentation called "The Medical Savings and Loan." I am willing to travel to any group willing to discuss free market health care reform (I live in Utah). Sadly, I spent all my personal savings on this project. I would need to run a fundraiser in conjunction with the meeting to pay for the trip.

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