Thursday, January 26, 2012

Starting at the Beginning

The debate about health care usually begins with the small percentage of people who cannot self fund their care. The debate usually ends with cries to regulate if not nationalize care to handle the problem.

This is absurd.

A debate about health care should start with the vast majority of people who could, with a little guidance, self-fund their care.

If we built our health care system around the needs of the people who can self-fund their care, then we would find that the problem of those who cannot to be smaller and more manageable than it currently is.

The Medical Savings and Loan starts with a conversation about ways to help people self fund their care. Creating a model that helps people self fund their care helps identify those who cannot.

I've been blogging and tweeting about the Medical Savings and Loan on my primay blog for the last several years. The goal of my blogging was to build interest in the concept. In the last couple of week I've been fortunate to receive some responses.

So, I decided to take a second step to start a new blog, this blog, that would be exclusively about the challenges of self-funding medical care.

So, in this first post, I wish to scream from the hilltops that the health care debate should start in the positive space by looking at the needs of those who can self fund their care.

A well defined effort to help people self fund their care will create a knowledge base to help us identify those who are unable to fund their care. The tab at the top of this page titled Medical Savings and Loan introduces the plan I've put together.

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