Sunday, January 6, 2013

There is Still Hope

The hope for repealing ObamaCare ended the moment that Republicans nominated Mitt Romney as their candidate.

Come on people. RomneyCare was the template for ObamaCare. Republicans are clearly as much a part of the problem as Democrats.

In hindsight, the Tea Party was nothing but a cynical ploy by the Republicans to get their grubby fingers in the pie of socialized health care.

In four years, I've been unable to find a single Conservative who is even willing to discuss free market health care reform. The Republican leadership simply sees the people who support them as useful idiots who they can use then discard.

The weak part of ObamaCare is the insurance mandates. Republicans could have soundly defeated ObamaCare if they simply discussed alternatives to insurance.

If there was a well defined and politically acceptable alternative to ObamaCare, the whole house of cards would have tumbled. Creating a well defined and peer-reviewed alternative to insurance is the simple matter of a half dozen people meeting in a room for a weekend to talk about free market health care.

I could not find a single person within 500 miles of Salt Lake willing to stand up for health freedom.

I am so upset at the duplicity of the Republican Party that it makes me want to scream.

Despite the fact the war was lost. I kept holding out hope that a group within 500 miles of Salt Lake would contact me and say: Yes, I want to stand up for freedom. I would travel further, but I would need some financial assistance to do so.

The opportunity to repeal ObamaCare vanished the moment Republicans nominated Romney. But all hope is not lost.

ObamaCare itself is a cynical plan. The Left wants socialized health care. The Left sees the Health Exchanges as a step in the progression to socialism.

The progression is as follows. In the first step, you convince people they need insurance (which is an inefficient way to fund care). You then create a government bureaucracy that promises to eliminate the inefficiencies (The Health Exchanges). The government bureaucracy piles on regulations that magnify the instability.

The Health Exchanges were designed to create a systemic flaw in insurance. When the house of cards crumbles we will be left with full blown socialized health care.

In people in the freedom movement thought ahead, it would be possible to structure things so that a free market structure could rise after the health exchanges failed.

Doing this would entail people meeting to discuss free market health care reform.

But people were unwilling to defend their freedom when winning the battle was simple. The idea that anyone would stand up for freedom now seems hopeless.

I really just want to give up, but if a small group of people (maybe half of half a dozen) met for three hours to talk about free market health care, they could still make a difference.

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